Friday, November 21, 2008
Dear Santa....part 2
Dear Santa...part 1
So M asked me yesterday to make him a list of things I want for Christmas. I do this every year to help him think of ideas for presents. I usually get one or two little things off my list. I think it's just fun coming up with the list. Here's the first item on my list...
It's from domesticity. I'm in love with entry ways. I can't wait to design my own when we finally get our act together and start building our house. If they carried the hook in yellow instead of orange, I'd be in heaven!
Friday, November 7, 2008
fruity goodness

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
New things of the month
1. Eat all my meals at the dinner table (which I broke last night while watching the election results)
2. Screen print something. If you saw my earlier post about that, then you know I haven't been having a lot of luck.
3. Go somewhere new. This one just fell into my lap. I'm headed to Ferney (outside Geneva) for some meetings next week.
4. A new Thanksgiving theme. Every year M and I have a Thanksgiving theme for our meal. The first year (our first year together) was a very traditional meal. The second year was Chesapeake inspired. Think Old Bay seasoned turkey, Onion tart and Oyster stuffing. Last year was Hawaiian inspired. The Hawaiian one was the best and the easiest to make. We had Kalua Turkey, Spam fried rice and a tofu in soy sauce "salad" that is super yummy. There were other dishes that escape me now. This year our theme in New Orleans inspired. We're thinking Blackened Turkey, Andouille and shrimp stuffing, fried okra, some kind of salad, and beignets in place of pie. Yum!
And now the dress!

I was at home working one day and decided to take a break to see what was new on Etsy...and there it was. I didn't hesitate. I contacted Liza and asked her if the material of the dress was dressy enough for a wedding gown and as soon as she said yes, I was sold. The material is a cotton sateen that is a really pale grey.
I was a little worried about having a custom dress made for me in August 2008 when the wedding wasn't for another year. Liza said that once payment was made, she'd cut and put the material aside and that in Feb/March I could contact her with my measurements or come down to Portland for a fitting. Done! I paid for the dress right then and there. Liza even sent me a sample of the material so I could match accessories to it.
Hair is done and paid for!

"I think the style of the speckled green fascinator would really complement your dress quite nicely. The rosette lends that feminine touch and the lines created by the tulle would mimic the structured lines of your dress. The rosette part of the piece measures approximately 3.5" x 3.5", which is not too large and since the tulle is translucent, it creates a soft subtle effect that does not overpower. I know I will find the perfect pale gray dupioni and I already have the gray tulle I'd like to use. The look would be subtle and the swarovski crystals (not black, but a color called "crystal") added to the tulle would be the perfect touch. Also, vintage rhinestones in the middle of the flower instead of swarovski crystals would add a much nicer touch given the special occassion. I'm loving all the tone on tone contrasting that will make up this piece and I think you will too!"
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Searching in a field of yellow

I know the wedding isn't for 9 months, but I tend to lose a lot of time because of work. I just found out today that I need to be on a plane to Geneva in 6 days. In all, I'll probably lose 3 weeks because of the trip. I have to buy what I can when I can, and I'm so happy I found these shoes!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Rain rain go away...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A change of hair...

I think I like this better for my wedding hair. If felt like I could pull it off, I'd buy a couple and where them everyday! Giantdwarf makes it and you can find her stuff on Etsy. I love the color and this gorgeous hair piece will match my shoes! I wonder if this can be made with silk or a cotton sateen.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Inside of color
Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm also trying to decide on the grey and clear/white vases to complete my look. So far, I think I like these from CB2.
Buried in fabric!
I found some really cute yellowish bulb vases from West Elm on sale and a smoky cooler glass and fun flat stem vases from CB2. My idea is to do table runners with fun fabrics that have black, grey and yellow, and then put a few of the vases on top. I've had to add black to the color palette because it's impossible to avoid.
Looks at the fun fabrics I bought for table runners!
I need a few more fabric pieces since some of the ones I bought are fat quarters or about 1/2 yard. Those I can use on the round table and in the booths, but I need longer pieces for the 6 foot long tables. These are the ones I'm thinking about.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I love organization
Missing in action...
So after some discussion, we changed our mind on my sister's dress. Instead we're going with this bold beauty!
She hasn't seen it in person as she just moved to Italy, but she saw the picture and says she loves it. Now the decision is grey or black shoes!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Weekend fun

Monday, October 13, 2008
More of Zambia
The other dress

Friday, October 10, 2008
Working girl
Beads, beads and more beads
I was in Ethiopia over the summer for work and one weekend I stopped in this little bead shop off Churchill road in Addis Ababa. Oh my the beads! I took more than I needed home though I would have been quite happy to take everything home.
The Reception Venue

Time for a shot of color
I want these! M is in need of shot glasses for our home bar setup and these would be perfect. Generate is selling them on their site. I also really want this really lovely Timeless Clock which would go with all the green in my apartment. Alas, it's a little out of my price range but I can dream can't I?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I heart color

Wedding hair or winter wear?

I'm really, really lucky that I get to travel with my work. Last year I went to Zambia a few times and I wanted to share 2 pictures. I have some amazing ones from Victoria Falls that I will share later.
She had the sweetest smile!
Please Vote!
Oh please say it will be so!
--- Mike Holmgren, Seahawks. Another popular rumor has Holmgren simply moving across the lake once this season is done. Stranger things have happened.
My fingers are crossed!
Welcome to PapayaDog Land!
I know you are all wondering what is PapayaDog or why PapayaDog, so I'm going to put you out of your misery right off the bat. When my fiance were in our second year of dating, he lived in Brooklyn and I lived in Washington DC. Every two weeks, one of us would visit the other in our respected city (oh Chinatown bus, how I sort of miss thee!) for a weekend. I don't know how he felt about coming down to DC, but I loved going up to Brooklyn. Great places to hang out, awesome shopping and delicious food -- what more could I ask for. It was like living in New York without paying to live in New York. So one of my favorite things to eat was Grays Papaya hot dogs (mmm...I'm hungry just thinking about it!). One day I wanted a Grays Papaya hot dog so bad that almost considered going to have a Papaya Dog hotdog (not as good knock-off). My fiance, M (he's a secret agent and I have to protect his identity), decided that since I loved the hot dogs so much, he'd nickname me PapayaDog. Well, the name stuck and that's that. Actually M has a gift for coming up with nicknames. He gave a friend of his the nickname Sugarbowl 7 or 8 years ago and it's stuck. Actually, for the first year I knew Sugarbowl, I had no idea what his real name was!
Why PapayaDog the blog?
The dirty truth? I'm using this blog to help me with my New Years Resolution. I know it's October and this probably should have been done in January, but I wasn't having problems with my resolution until last month. What is the resolution? To try something new every month. Some new things have been more exciting (visited Ethiopia) than others (stay on budget for the whole month), but they were new things none the less. Now I've gone a whole month without doing anything new and am on the verge of extending my streak to a second month. I thought a blog would keep hold me accountable. That's it. This blog is my new thing for October and I hope to post regularly for a year.
About me
I'm a 28 year old Jane of all trades. My Mom used to call me a Jack of all trades when I was a kid. I'm not sure if that was a compliment or a way to get me to focus on one thing but either way, it's true and I'm OK with that.
During the day I work for a public health non-profit where I am the resident Jill of all trades (literally) and in the evenings I do what ever needs to be done followed by anything I have time for.
I love colors, traveling, cooking, crafting (sewing, pottery, any DIY), the Seahawks, U-dub (that's the University of Washington for any of you outside Washington state) sports, March Madness, Spin and Aqua (yes, the one where old ladies jump around in the pool) classes, design of all kinds, making and checking things off my list and of course my family and M.
Just so you know, I'm a procrastinator and am a horrible speller. I blame part of my misspelling affiction on living in England for a while and part of it on my Dad who is the world's worst speller. I will say in his defense that American English isn't his first language but he speaks it wonderfully and at times funnily (is that a word?). I also make up words -- just FYI.
This Blog
I'm going to try my best to not have this be a diary even though this first post sounds like one. I hope this blog will motivate me to try new things and share them with all of you. I also will post things I think are cool, projects I want to try (and probably won't), wedding planning (this won't be a wedding blog) and other things I think I should share.
All that being said, WELCOME!